Welcome to Counselor Corner
Hi! Your School Counselors at Ebenezer Elementary are Amber Bragg and Hayley Rahn! Our job is to support the students, parents/guardians, and staff. We offer classroom guidance lessons, individual support sessions, and small group counseling opportunities. We are also available for consultations with parents/guardians and staff.
Counseling Program
Here at Ebenezer Elementary, the counseling and guidance program is developmental in nature. The program is designed to help the students learn about themselves, become better learners, have positive relationships with others, and aim toward reaching their fullest potential.
Classroom Guidance
The counselors visit each classroom monthly and speaks to the class about various topics. Books are often read to help teach the lessons on topics such as: liking oneself, being unique, identifying feelings, handling bullying situations, establishing friendships, utilizing manners, and making good choices.
Individual Support Sessions
When requested by student, parent/guardian, or staff, the counselor may talk to a student privately. The goal for the counselor is to be a good listener and to help the student sort out a problem he or she may be having. The counselor is not able to provide ongoing, regular, counseling sessions to students, but can be supportive in nature and make a referral if needed. Information shared with the counselor is confidential, except in cases where the counselor is required to report (such as abuse, etc.)
Small Groups
The counselor works with children that have similar concerns in a small group setting. Groups are established as the need arises throughout the year. Small group settings allow children the opportunity to support and learn from one another. Examples of small groups are grief and loss, changing families, anger and self-control. Parental permission is required for participation in group.
Click Here to learn more about the essential role of School Counselors!
Please feel free to contact us any time!